
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Episode #52: Prompts & Pushing It

Ed goes:

I was reading through our recent episodes the other day (a wonderful pastime activity that I encourage everyone to participate in). In Episode #49, Hal mentioned a nice option for incorporating the current time in the command prompt, a useful feature for forensics folks who want to record the time that they executed each command, as well as for general sysadmins and testers who want to see how long given activities take. In Episode #38, I mentioned how we could change our prompt by setting the environment variable called "prompt", but I didn't give a bunch of options there. Let's explore these options in more detail, starting with including the time in our prompt a la Hal.

First off, instead of using the "set prompt=[whatever]" command to set our prompt to various values, we can alternatively use the prompt command to do so. The advantage of the latter approach is that it allows us to see all the glorious options we can use in setting our prompt:

C:\> prompt /?

By default, we've got $P for the path and $G for the greater than sign. To mimic Hal's prompt from Episode #49, we could run:

C:\> prompt $C$T$F$G
( 8:02:19.57)> dir
That gives us a prompt of open paren ($C) followed by the time ($T) followed by close paren ($F) followed by a greater than sign.

For forensics guys, we may want to included the date as well, and remove the parens:

C:\> prompt $D$S$T$G
Mon 07/20/2009 8:04:36.85>
Note that the $S is a space.

Now, these changes are just temporary, applying only to the current cmd.exe and any new cmd.exe processes it starts. To make the changes permanent, we need to alter the PROMPT environment variable in the registry

Mon 07/20/2009  8:14:05.60>reg add "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\control\session manager\environment"
/v prompt /t reg_expand_sz /d $D$S$T$G

The operation completed successfully.
After a reboot, your prompt will be changed for all users.

There is another interesting option we can add to our prompt via the $+ notation. This one will prepend our command prompt with a single plus sign for each directory we've pushed onto our directory stack via the pushd command. Wait a sec... before we get ahead of ourselves, let's look at the pushd and popd commands a bit.

When working in a given directory, sometimes you need to temporarily change into another directory or two, do a little work there, and then pop back into the original directory you were working in. The pushd and popd commands were created to help make such transitions smoother. When changing directories, instead of using the familiar cd command, you could run "pushd [dir]" as in:

Mon 07/20/2009  8:18:02.21> prompt $P$G
C:\Users\Ed> pushd c:\windows\system32
This command will store your current directory in a stack in memory, and then change you to the other directory (in the case above, c:\Users\Ed will be stored on a stack, and you will change to c:\windows\system32). You can do stuff in that other directory, and even change to other directories beyond that. But, when your work is done there, you can go back to your original directory by simply running:

C:\Windows\System32> popd
While you can push a bunch of directories on this directory stack and then pop them off in a LIFO operation, I find the pushd/popd commands most useful for just storing a single directory I know I'll have to pop back into in the near future, so I find myself often running:

C:\[wherever_I_am_working]> pushd .
Then, I do a little more work, and eventually change directories to where I need to work temporarily. When I'm ready to go back to where I was, I can simply popd. This technique is very helpful given that cmd.exe doesn't have the "cd -" option found in bash so that I can simply change into a previous directory I was in earlier.

With that background of pushd and popd under our belts, we can now see what the $+ does in our prompt -- It prepends one plus sign for each directory we've pushed.

C:\> prompt $+$P$G
C:\> pushd c:\windows\system32
+C:\Windows\System32> pushd c:\Users\
++C:\Users> pushd c:\temp
+++C:\temp> popd
++C:\Users> popd
+C:\Windows\System32> popd
The little pluses can help you remember how many things you have pushed on your directory stack.

And, if you wanted to get really elaborate and simulate the behavior of "cd -" by implementing some simple scripts to use in place of cd, you could do the following:

C:\> echo @pushd %1 > c:\windows\system32\cdd.bat
C:\> echo @popd > c:\windows\system32\cd-.bat

Now, instead of using "cd" to change directories, you could always run "cdd" to do so (I use that last d to remind me that it's pushing the directory onto the directory stack). Your new cdd command will work just like the old one, but it will remember the directories you've changed from, pushing them on the directory stack. Then, to go back to where you were before, you could run "cd-" (no space). It looks like this in action:

C:\> cdd c:\users\ed
+C:\Users\Ed> cd-

Whither Ed goest, Hal will go!

Ed, you say you want the date in the prompt in addition to the time? So be it:

$ export PS1='\D{%D %T}> '
07/20/09 10:02:50>

Unlike "\t" for the time code, there's no built-in escape sequence for including the date in the prompt. But bash does recognize "\D{...}" to insert an arbitrary set of strftime(3) escape sequences. This is very flexible, though not quite as terse. I could even add the day name to fully emulate Ed's Windows madness:

07/20/09 10:02:50> export PS1='\D{%a %D %T}> '
Mon 07/20/09 10:08:16>

You'll also notice that Unix allows us to specify spaces as actual spaces rather than "$S". What will those wacky Unix folks think of next?

Windows totally stole the pushd/popd idea from the Unix shell, and it works pretty much the same on both platforms:

$ export PS1='[\w]$ '
[~]$ pushd /tmp
/tmp ~
[/tmp]$ pushd /usr/local/bin
/usr/local/bin /tmp ~
[/usr/local/bin]$ popd
/tmp ~
[/tmp]$ popd

You'll notice that bash prints the directory stack after each pushd/popd operation, sort of as a reminder of where you are. You can also use the dirs command to dump the directory stack (in several different formats) or even clear the stack entirely:

[~]$ pushd /tmp
/tmp ~
[/tmp]$ pushd /usr/local/bin
/usr/local/bin /tmp ~
[/usr/local/bin]$ dirs # default
/usr/local/bin /tmp ~
[/usr/local/bin]$ dirs -l # expand ~ to full pathname
/usr/local/bin /tmp /home/hal
[/usr/local/bin]$ dirs -p # one dir per line
[/usr/local/bin]$ dirs -c # clear the stack
[/usr/local/bin]$ dirs

You can even use popd to selectively remove elements from the directory stack:

[/opt]$ dirs
/opt /dev /usr/local/bin /tmp /usr /var /etc ~
[/opt]$ popd +2
/opt /dev /tmp /usr /var /etc ~

Notice that the elements of the directory list are numbered starting with zero (in C, arrays are numbered starting from zero and this convention was carried through to most Unix utilities), so "popd +2" removes the third element counting from the left. "popd -2" would remove the third element counting in from the right.

Unlike Windows, we don't have to create a script file to make a cdd command on our Unix systems. We can just make an alias:

[~]$ alias cdd=pushd
[~]$ cdd /tmp
/tmp ~

What is interesting is that there's no built-in Unix equivalent for the Windows "$+" prompting functionality. But since the bash shell does command substitution on $PS1 (if necessary) each time it emits a shell prompt, we can hack our own solution together:

[~]$ export PS1='`for ((i=1; $i < ${#DIRSTACK[*]}; i++)); do echo -n +; done`[\w]$ '
[~]$ pushd /etc
/etc ~
+[/etc]$ pushd /tmp
/tmp /etc ~
++[/tmp]$ pushd /usr
/usr /tmp /etc ~
+++[/tmp]$ popd
/usr /etc ~
++[/usr]$ popd
/etc ~
+[/etc]$ popd

As you can see, I've added an expression in backticks at the front of the declaration for $PS1, so whatever text this sequence of commands results in will be incorporated into the shell prompt. Inside the backticks, I'm using a for loop to produce the necessary plus signs. To terminate the loop, I'm comparing against "${#DIRSTACK[*]}" which translates to "the number of elements in the $DIRSTACK array variable". $DIRSTACK is a highly magical environment variable that stores the elements of the directory stack that pushd and popd use.

You'll also notice that I'm starting the loop at offset 1 rather than offset 0. As you can see in Ed's Windows example, the "$+" element only counts the number of directories that have been explicitly pushed onto the stack with pushd. However, the bash $DIRSTACK variable always includes the current working directory. So when you pushd for the first time, the number of elements in $DIRSTACK is actually two: your original directory that you started in, plus the new directory you pushd-ed onto the stack. Anyway, I started my loop counter variable at 1 to more closely emulate the Windows behavior.