
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Episode #62: Anybody Using This?

Ed is currently auditioning for the coveted title role in "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" So in the meantime we've invited Sifu Tim Medin to bring the Windows madness to the Command Line Kung Fu dojo. Tim's also got his own blog over at, where he's lately been throwing down some Powershell solutions to our earlier Episodes.

Tim wanders in:

So it has happened to all of us, a server needs to be taken down for some reason or another, but you can't just yank it out of production. Users have to be notified before taking it offline. The problem is we don't know who is logged in. And there may be quite a few users, especially in the Windows world of Terminal Services. Windows has two commands to help us out, quser and qwinsta (short for Query WINdows STAtion). Both commands can be used to find out who is logged in locally and both accept the /server option to query another server.

Quser in action:

C:\> quser /server:Alpha
larry rdp-tcp#5 5 Active . 9/29/2009 5:43 AM
moe 1 Disc none 9/29/2009 9:32 AM

The problem is, quser is NOT included in Windows XP so we will use qwinsta for compatibility. Too bad, since quser would have been a better fit for two reasons. First, it only displays active and disconnected sessions instead of listeners. Second, the username is the first item, and we all know that parsing text from the Windows command line is a pain.

Qwinsta in action:

C:\> qwinsta /server:Alpha
console 0 Conn wdcon
rdp-tcp 65536 Listen rdpwd
rdp-tcp#5 larry 5 Active rdpwd
moe 1 Disc wdica

C:\> qwinsta /server:Omega
console curly 0 Active wdcon
rdp-tcp 65536 Listen rdpwd

Shown above are two servers, Alpha and Omega. Server Alpha has two connections, one from Larry (connected) and Moe (disconnected). Curly is the only user logged to Omega, and is logged via the console.

We don't care about the listening sessions so we can filter the results for active and disconnected sessions. By using the findstr command we can search for an active or disconnected session. A space between search terms is treated as a logical OR.

C:\> qwinsta /server:Alpha | findstr "Active Disc"
rdp-tcp#5 larry 5 Active rdpwd
moe 1 Disc wdica

C:\> qwinsta /server:Omega | findstr "Active Disc"
console curly 0 Active wdcon

We only want the username so we will have to have to use our handy dandy FOR loop to parse it (Episode 48). This is made more difficult since a disconnected session doesn't have a session name and throws off the parsing. Here is what I mean:

C:\> for /F %i in ('qwinsta /server:Alpha ^| findstr "Active Disc"') do @echo %i

What we get is the first string on each line of the output, not quite what we want. The for loop divides the string into tokens using white space as a delimiter, and leading spaces are discarded. If there is a session name, we need to display the second token, otherwise, we need to display the first token. If you notice, sessions names either contain '#' or 'console', and we can use this nugget to ensure the right bit of information is displayed.

C:\> for /F "tokens=1,2" %i in ('qwinsta /server:Alpha ^| findstr "Active Disc"')
do @echo %i | find /v "#" | find /v "console" || echo %j


The username will either be located in the first or second token, represented by %i and %j respectively. Remember, any tokens after the first use a different letter of the alphabet, so if we used the third and forth tokens they would be represented by %k and %l. Ok, so now we have the username but we don't know if it is in variable %i or %j. How do we do that?

If you remember from previous posts, 'find /v' only returns lines NOT containing the specified string. In our example we use it twice to filter %i if it contains '#' or 'console'. The "||" is used to only execute the next command if the previous command fails (see Episode 47). A command is deemed to have failed if it raises an error or if it returns no output.

We can logically combine these pieces to display the username. We attempt to echo %i, but if it contains '#' or 'console' then nothing is returned, since nothing is returned it is treated like a failure and the next command is executed (echo %j). And there we (finally) have the username.

At least we don't have to use wmic, because that post would have required a dissertation.

C:\> cmd.exe /v:on /c "for /F "tokens=2 DELIMS=," %i in
('wmic /node:SERVER path win32_loggedonuser get Antecedent /value ^| find /v "SERVICE"')
do @set var=%i & @echo !var:~6,-4!"

Somehow I think Hal will have an easier way of doing this in Linux...

Hal takes over:

"Easier way of doing this in Linux"? Holy cow, Tim! I'm having trouble thinking of how there could be anything harder than the solution that Windows forces on you. Wowzers...

There are at least three different ways to get a list of users currently logged into the local system. First there's the w command:

$ w
14:12:19 up 5 days, 4:36, 10 users, load average: 1.73, 2.04, 1.88
hal tty7 :0 Tue13 5days 1:21 0.40s x-session-manag
hal pts/0 :0.0 Tue13 27:39m 5.20s 5.20s ssh deer
hal pts/1 :0.0 Tue13 6:12 1.92s 1:55m gnome-terminal
hal pts/2 :0.0 Tue13 0.00s 0.02s 0.02s w
hal pts/3 14:11 28.00s 0.00s 0.00s -bash

The w command gives us lots of information, including the command that each user is currently running on their tty. Things that are labeled with ":0*" in the FROM column are local X windows-related processes on the system console. Remote logins are labeled with the IP address of the remote host in the FROM column. The IDLE time column can help decide how actively a given user is using the machine, though be careful about long running jobs that a user may have started some time ago but which shouldn't be shut down. The only problem with w is that the output can be more difficult to parse in shell pipelines because of the extra uptime information and header line at the beginning of the output.

The who command produces output that's easier to parse, but which contains much less detail:

$ who
hal tty7 2009-09-22 13:11 (:0)
hal pts/0 2009-09-22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal pts/1 2009-09-22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal pts/2 2009-09-22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal pts/3 2009-09-27 14:11 (

There's also the finger command, which works on the local system even if you currently don't have the finger daemon enabled.

$ finger
Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office Office Phone
hal Hal Pomeranz tty7 5d Sep 22 13:11 (:0)
hal Hal Pomeranz pts/0 28 Sep 22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal Hal Pomeranz pts/1 6:13 Sep 22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal Hal Pomeranz pts/2 Sep 22 13:11 (:0.0)
hal Hal Pomeranz pts/3 1 Sep 27 14:11 (

Frankly, finger has the same parsing difficulties as w, but provides less information overall, so I don't find it that useful.

But all of these commands only work on the local system. So how would you got information on who's logged into a remote machine? Why with ssh of course:

$ ssh remotehost who | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u

Here I'm SSHing into the machine remotehost and running the who command. The output of that command gets piped into awk on the local machine where I pull the usernames out of the first column of output. The sort command puts the usernames into alphabetical order and the "-u" (unique) option removes duplicate lines. And that's my final answer, Regis.

However, since Tim started out with the scenario of having a server that needs to get shut down, I just wanted to mention a couple of other items. First, if you use the Unix shutdown command (which we talked about way back in Episode 7), all of the currently logged in users will get a message (actually lots of messages, which is why shutdown is so darned annoying) sent to their tty letting them know that the system is being shut down. If you include your contact info in the message, the users can get ahold of you and request that you abort the shutdown.

The other item worth mentioning here is that if you create the file /etc/nologin, then the system will not allow new user logins. The contents of the /etc/nologin file will be displayed users who try to log into the system:

$ ssh remotehost
hal@remotehost's password:
Logins are currently disabled because the system will be shut down shortly.
System will resume normal operations at noon PDT.

Connection closed by

Typically the shutdown command will create /etc/nologin automatically as the shutdown time gets close. But you can also create this file yourself to customize the message your users see.