
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Episode #74: Yule Love It!

Hal has indulged in a bit too much holiday cheer:

Presented for your enjoyment with no explanation or excuses:

$ ct=12; while read line; do
[ $ct == 1 ] && echo -n Plus || echo -n $ct;
echo " $line";
done <<EoLines
keyboards drumming
admins smiling
systems thrashing
networks crashing
hosts a-pinging
Windows versions
(billion) Linux distros
Windows loops!
authors coding
shells hacked
types of hosts
command line hist-or-y!

12 keyboards drumming
11 admins smiling
10 systems thrashing
9 networks crashing
8 hosts a-pinging
7 Windows versions
6 (billion) Linux distros
5 Windows loops!
4 authors coding
3 shells hacked
2 types of hosts
Plus command line hist-or-y!

Tim got run over by a reindeer:

PS C:\> $ct=12; "keyboards drumming
admins smiling
systems thrashing
networks crashing
hosts a-pinging
Windows versions
(billion) Linux distros
Windows loops!
authors coding
shells hacked
types of hosts
command line hist-or-y!".split("`n") |
% { if ($ct -eq 1) {"Plus $_"} else {"$ct $_"}; $ct-- }

12 keyboards drumming
11 admins smiling
10 systems thrashing
9 networks crashing
8 hosts a-pinging
7 Windows versions
6 (billion) Linux distros
5 Windows loops!
4 authors coding
3 shells hacked
2 types of hosts
Plus command line hist-or-y!

Ed's Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire:

c:\> copy con TempLines.txt > nul & cmd.exe /v:on /c "set ct=12& for /f
"delims=" %i in (TempLines.txt) do @(if not !ct!==1 (set prefix=!ct!) else (set prefix=
Plus)) & echo !prefix! %i & set /a ct=ct-1>nul" & del TempLines.txt
keyboards drumming
admins smiling
systems thrashing
networks crashing
hosts a-pinging
Windows versions
(billion) Linux distros
Windows loops!
authors coding
shells hacked
types of hosts
command line hist-or-y!
^Z (i.e., hit CTRL-Z and then hit Enter)
12 keyboards drumming
11 admins smiling
10 systems thrashing
9 networks crashing
8 hosts a-pinging
7 Windows versions
6 (billion) Linux distros
5 Windows loops!
4 authors coding
3 shells hacked
2 types of hosts
Plus command line hist-or-y!
Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a joyous and prosperous new year!