
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Episode #120: Sign Me Up, I'm Enlisting in Your Army

Yes, it's your blog authors again, reminding you that you have the power to program this blog. Send us your ideas, your questions, your huddled shell fu yearning to be free. Maybe we'll turn your idea into a future Episode of Command-Line Kung Fu. Please, we're blog^H^H^H^Hbleg^H^H^H^Hbegging you!

Tim creates another army:

Another of our readers, Timothy McColgan, writes in:

Hey Kung Fu Krew,

... I starting working on a very simple batch to automate my user creation process. Here is what I came up with so far:

for /f "tokens=1-2" %%A in (names.txt) do (dsadd user "CN=%%A %%B,DC=commandlinekungfu,DC=com"
-f %%A -ln %%B -display "%%A %%B" -samid %%A,%%B -upn -pwd P@ssw0rd

Basically names.txt has first and last names of new users, separated by a space. I wanted to add some more functionality to it, specifically the ability to add additional attributes. Say names.txt had more information in it, like first name, last name, description, employee ID, and how about a custom code in extensionAttribute1. And, how about the ability to put the users into an assigned group. So names.txt would look like this:

Tim Tekk,MIS,32159,301555,Managers

Tim started off well, all we need to do is make a few simple modifications.

C:\> for /f "delims=, " %a in (names.txt) do dsadd user "CN=%a %b,DC=clkf,DC=com"
-fn %a -ln %b -display "%a %b" -samid "%b, %a" -upn -pwd P@ssw0rd
-desc %c -empid %d -memberof %f

We use our For loop to split the text using the space and comma as delimiters. From there we use the parameters of dsadd. Here are the paramters, the variables, and the expanded value.

  • UserDN is a required paremeter and doesn't use a switch. "CN=%a %b,DC=clkf,DC=com" -> "CN=Tim Tekk,DC=clkf,DC=com"

  • Firstname: -fn %a --> Tim

  • Lastname: -ln %b --> Tekk

  • Displayname: -display "%a %b" --> "Tim Tekk"
  • Security Accounts Manager (SAM) name: -samid "%b, %a" --> "Tekk, Tim"

  • User Principle Name: -upn -->

  • Password: -pwd P@ssw0rd

  • Description: -desc %c --> MIS

  • Employee ID: -empid %d --> 32159

  • Group Membership*: -memberof %f --> Managers

*If you run the command like it is, you will get an error. The MemberOf paremeter requires a Distingushed Name, so the file would need to look like this:

Tim Tekk,MIS,32159,301555,CN=Managers,DC=clkf,DC=com

This creates a new problem, since we now have extra commas. Fortunately, we can use the tokens option with our For loop to cram "CN=Managers,DC=clkf,DC=com" into variable %f.

C:\> for /f "tokens=1-5* delims=, " %a in (names.txt) do ...

The Tokens options takes the first five tokens and put them in %a, %b, %c, %d, and %e. The * puts the remainder of the line in %f. The only thing we missed is extensionAttribute1, and we can't do that with cmd, so we have to use PowerShell.


To read the original file we use the cmdlet Import-CSV. The Import-CSV cmdlet requires the file have headers, and if we name our headers right we can very easily create the user using New-ADUser.

Tim Tekk, Tim, Tekk, MIS, "Tekk, Tim",, 32159

The secret to this trick is having the correct headers. We need the headers to exactly match the parameters accepted by New-ADUser.

PS C:\> Import-CSV names.txt | New-ADUser

Once catch, this approach won't work with extensionAttribute1 since the cmdlet doesn't set this option. So close!

Since that approach doesn't get us 100% of what we want, let's just create shorter header names so our file looks like this:


Now we can use the Import-Csv cmdlet with a ForEach-Object loop to create our users.

PS C:\> Import-CSV names.txt | % { New-ADUser
-Name "$($_.First $_.Last)"
-GivenName $_.First
-Surname $_.Last
-DisplayName "$($_.First $_.Last)"
-SamAccountName "$($_.Last, $_.First)"
-UserPrincipalName "$($_.First).$($_.Last)"
-Description $_.Description
-EmployeeID $_.EmployeeID
-OtherAttributes @{ extensionAttribute1=$_.ExtAtt1 } -PassThru |
Add-ADGroupMember $_.Group }

One bit of weirdness you may notice is: "$(blah blah blah)"

We have to do this to manipulate our strings. The quotes tell the shell that a string is coming. The $() says we have something that needs to be evaluated. In side the parenthesis we use the current pipeline object ($_) and the properties we would like to access. We have to use this approach with the Name parameter since we have to combine the first and last name. The Surname paramter doesn't need this weirdness because it only takes one object.

I'll admit, it is a bit weird looking, but it works great and can save a lot of time.

Hal changes the game:

I'm going to change Timothy's input format somewhat to demo a neat little feature of the Unix password file format. Let's suppose that the middle fields are an office location, office phone number, and a home or alternate contact number. So we'd have a file that looks more like:

Tim Tekk,MIS,VM-SB2,541-555-1212,541-555-5678,Managers

I'm going to assume here that "MIS" is going to be the new user's primary group and that we can have one or more additional group memberships after the alternate contact number. Here we're saying that this user is also a member of the "Managers" group.

We can process our input file with the following fearsome fu:

# IFS=,
# while read name group office wphone altphone altgroups; do
username=$(echo $name | tr ' ' .)
useradd -g $group -G "$altgroups" -c "$name,$office,$wphone,$altphone" \
-m -s /bin/bash $username;
done < names.txt

We want to break up the fields from our input file on comma, so we first set "IFS=,". Then we read our file line-by-line with the "while read ...; do ... done < names.txt" idiom and the lines will be split automatically and the fields assigned to the variables listed in after the read command. If more than one alternate group name is listed, the final $altgroups variable just shlurps up everything after the alternate phone number field.

Inside the loop, the first step is to convert the "first last" user full name into a "first.last" type username. Then it's just a matter of plugging the variables into the right places in the useradd command. Notice that I'm careful to use double quotes around "$altgroups". This is necessary in case there are multiple alternate groups separated by commas: without the double quotes the value of the variable would be expressed with spaces in place of the commas, a nasty side-effect of setting IFS earlier.

Notice that I'm packing the office location and phone numbers into the user full name field. It turns out that various Unix utilities will parse the full name field and do useful things with these extra comma-delimited values:

# finger Tim.Tekk
Login: Tim.Tekk Name: Tim Tekk
Directory: /home/Tim.Tekk Shell: /bin/bash
Office: VM-SB2, 541-555-1212 Home Phone: 541-555-5678
Never logged in.
No mail.
No Plan.

This is just one of those wacky old Unix legacy features that has been mostly forgotten about. But it was all the rage back when we were running Unix time-sharing systems with hundreds or thousands of users, because it gave you a searchable company phone directory from your shell prompt.