
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Episode #124: Levelling Up

Tim set himself up to bomb:

So I came up with the idea for this episode, totally my fault. And I knew going into it that I was setting myself for a significant beating from Hal. My guess is that it will take him all of five minutes to write his portion. So here goes.

One of the nice features of Windows is the extremely granular permissions that can be granted on files and directories. This functionality comes at a price, it makes auditing of permissions a big pain. Especially when it comes to groups, and even worse, nested groups. A few of my colleagues and I were looking for files that would allow us to elevate our privileges from the limited user account one with more privileges. Files run by service accounts, or possibly an administrator, and are also modifiable by a more limited user. In short, we were looking for files owned by an admin but writeable by a limited user. Before we get into the fu, we need to look at how file permissions look in PowerShell.

To get file permissions we need to use the Get-Acl cmdlet. The output of the command looks like this (fl is an alias for Format-List and is used to display the results in list form):
PS C:\> get-acl test | fl

Path : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::C:\test
Owner : MYDOM\tim
Group :
Access : BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl
MYDOM\tim Allow FullControl
CREATOR OWNER Allow 268435456
BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
BUILTIN\Users Allow AppendData
BUILTIN\Users Allow CreateFiles
Audit :
Sddl : O:S-1-5-21-236840484-2123344539-2455687859-23475G:DUD:(A;OICIID;FA;;;BA)

If you look at the Access property you can see that I, MYDOM\Tim, have full access to the folder test. This means I can do what ever I want to the file. Let's take a closer look at this property and expand it using the Select-Object cmdlet with the ExpandProprty option.

PS C:\> get-acl test | select -ExpandProperty Access
FileSystemRights : FullControl
AccessControlType : Allow
IdentityReference : MYDOM\tim
IsInherited : True
InheritanceFlags : None
PropagationFlags : None

In order for me to have write permission, the IdentityReference needs to my user account or a group of which I am a member. The FileSystemRights must be something that allows me to modify the file. Finally, the AccessControlType needs to be Allow. Ok, great, but what groups am I a member of?

To get a list of all the groups a user is a member of you can use the Get-ADAccountAuthorizationGroup cmdlet. The problem, it requires a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller or an instance of AD LDS running on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server. It also requires that you have ability to query the domain controller. We'll assume we don't have permissions to do this, so we'll just look for some known groups on the local computer that I should be a member of:

  • MYDOM\Users

  • MYLAPPY\Users

  • MYLAPPY\Guests

  • Everyone

Now we have the list of groups. All we need to do is add my user account and we have the list of IdentityReference values we need to look for.

We also need to filter for specific permissions which will allow us modify the file. Here is what we are looking for:

  • FullControl

  • WriteData

  • CreateFiles

  • AppendData

  • ChangePermissions

  • TakeOwnership

  • Write

  • Modify

So now with all this knowledge of what to look for, we can now do our search for executable files in the Windows directory which we can modify. MYLAPPY is the name of my computer, and MYDOM is the name of my domain.

PS C:\Windows> ls -r -include *.exe,*.ps1,*.bat,*.com,*.vbs,*.dll | Get-Acl |
? { select -InputObject $_ -ExpandProperty Access |
? { ("MYDOM\tim","MYDOM\Users","MYLAPPY\Users","MYLAPPY\Guests","Everyone" -contains $_.IdentityReference)
-and ( "FullControl","WriteData","CreateFiles","AppendData","ChangePermissions","TakeOwnership","Write","Modify"
-contains $_.FileSystemRights) -and $_.AccessControlType -eq "Allow" }
} |
select path

We start off with a recursive directory listing that finds executable files. The results are piped into Get-Acl. A giant Where-Object (alias ?) filter is used to find the files we want. In this case use a nested Where-Object filter. If the inner filter returns an object (an Access object), the outer filter returns true and will return the parent object (the Acl object).

The outer filter just sets up our inner filter. In the inner filter we check to see if the current Access object matches our username or group. This is done by creating a collection of principles and checking if the IdentityReference property of the Access object is in the collection. We take a similar approach with the File System Rights property. Finally, we check the Access Control Type is Allow, rather than Deny. If all three parts are true, then the Acl object is passed down the pipeline where we just output the path to the file. The only problem is that this command does not check to see if a Deny rule supercedes the Allow rule.

We could also add a filter for files owned by MYLAPPY\Administrators.

PS C:\> ls -r -include *.exe,*.ps1,*.bat,*.com,*.vbs,*.dll | Get-Acl |
? { $_.Owner -eq "MYLAPPY\Administrators" } ...

The problem with this approach is that the file we are looking for may be owned by a Domain Admin or some other service account with elevated permissions so we might have to do another collection of principles like we did above. The nice thing with MYLAPPY\Administrators is that group is the default owner of any object that is created by a member of the group, meaning John is an Administrator and he creates a file it will be owned by MYLAPPY\Administrators. Of course there are options in Windows to change this setting, but it is the default.

So there you have it. And by it, I mean a big, confusing, complex command. An now Hal is going to give it to you. And by it I mean a simple short easy to read command.

Hal says, "Unix is the bomb!"

Here's a reasonable Unix approximation for what Tim is trying to do. It's surprisingly not all that terse:

find / -type f -user root \( -perm -0020 -o -perm -0002 \) \
\( -perm -0100 -o -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \)

The basic idea is simple. We want to find executable files that are owned by root but which are group or world writable. "Files owned by root" is no problem: that's just "-type f -user root". The verbosity comes from how you have to specify permissions with find.

If I want to say "group or world writable", I end up having to specify each bit with its own "-perm -...." clause and then gang them together with "or" ("-o") and parens ("\( ... \)"). Similarly, defining "executable" means checking each of the three possible execute bits individually. I've often wanted find to have a terser syntax for doing this kind of thing.

But there's a solution for you in any event. Unix's much less granular ownership and permissions model makes things considerably easier on this side of the house than on Windows.